Sex Of Insects Share New Track ‘I Can Hear The Light’

Sex Of Insects have shared their latest track ‘I Can Hear The Light’ which will also be released as a full remix EP in the upcoming weeks.

Formed in 2016 by guitarist Anatoly Ylotana (Ylotana Project) Sex Of Insects includes Alexandra Bartashevich (Vocals) and Roman Korablove (Rhythm). After meeting Alexandra, Anatoly knew that the project had found itself a new image thanks to her talented and original performance. He met with Roman Korablove shortly afterwards and has since been helping guide the band into a completely new sound.

Influenced by Frank Zappa, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and more recently Underworld, Daft Punk and Danny Tenaglia, Sex Of Insects consists of improvised guitar sounds mixed with vibrant electronic grooves.

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